Small in Space, Big in Style
You don’t need to live in a McMansion to raise a happy child – you just need different (smaller) things.
CityBaby Living brings you helpful advice, great design, and product suggestions for smaller, cool stuff and gear.
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Tag Archives: Design
Life Without Closets
Many small spaces that our children live in (or us for that matter) don’t come with closets. While they’re small, this is simply an organizational challenge to hide all the stuff you don’t want everyone to see. Once they get bigger, you might actually want a closet to hang clothes in (novel idea!). I’ve come across a few that are marketed as dress up hangers, but I think they’d make great free standing closets. Source: via Emily on Pinterest Source: via Emily on Pinterest Source: via Emily on Pinterest Recommend on Facebook Share with Stumblers Tweet about … Continue reading
Creative Nightlight Option
No room for a nightlight in that small room/nook/corner your child sleeps in? How about a glow in the dark decal? I’m really not kidding (Peep’s favorite saying). My Sweet Muffin carries this very creative option for keeping the monsters in the closet. During the day, it is a very modern yellow decal, but at night it shows its phosphorescent properties. It’s a bit on the splurge side at $48, but hey, it is coming all the way from France. The text in the bulbs says “bonne nuit” or “good night” in French. I think they’re kind of … Continue reading